Woking Leadership Academy


Become a better leader and drive your business forward to greater success.

To join the Woking Leadership Academy Click Here.

Woking Leadership Academy

The Academy is run by Tony Lynch, an experienced leadership coach, trainer and speaker for the internationally acclaimed leadership expert, John C Maxwell.  The Academy offers a very special opportunity for owners, directors and partners who wish to advance their leadership skills, but often have no one else to turn to for advice and support.

The group, consisting of six members maximum, will meet six times a year at meetings running from 7.30am till 11.00am at the Holiday Inn, Woking.

The once and only joining fee is £50 (free for members of Woking Chamber of Commerce only).The annual subscription is £600 which can be paid by 12 monthly direct debit payments of £50.

This investment will include:

  • The meetings.  A light breakfast, a training session by Tony. Presentations from members and invaluable observational learning and challenging interactivity with other members – Brainstorming for tomorrow’s success.
  • Access to a closed Facebook page allowing the interchange of questions, answers, support and comment between members plus a resource where invaluable articles and documents can be found.
  • 20% discount on all Tony’s other training sessions and at his annual Live2Lead Simulcast event which this year will feature the superb John C Maxwell and Kevin Turner, Chief Operating Officer, Microsoft. An event surely not to be missed.

Please contact Tony Lynch on tony@keepthinkingbig.com or +44 7747 481142.

Alternatively contact Paul Webster at paul@websterconsultancy.co.uk

Tony has been ranked by Inc.com in the ‘100 Great Leadership Speakers for your next conference’.


To join the Woking Leadership Academy Click Here.