Customer Service Training Workshop

We live in a world where our customers’ desires are often growing and changing.

If you’re delivering a service that your client desired last year, guess what? Today they likely want something different or more. To build a sustainable business, you must build on your clients’ desires of tomorrow, not yesterday. To stand out, to lead in your marketplace, you need to be constantly rediscovering your clients’ needs and desires. Be ahead of the curve.  It is imperative that your team provide excellent customer service.

Some important business building questions to consider:

  1. How can you discover your clients’ needs and desires?
  2. How can you be constantly rediscovering your clients’ needs and desires?
  3. What process do you need to build to engage your clients’ for a longer period?
  4. How can you move from being transactional to being relational?
  5. What is the one thing that is stopping you from achieving a greater customer experience?

Tony Lynch, business development training coach, can help you take your customer satisfaction to the next level.

Customer Satisfaction - Customer Service TrainingIn this highly interactive one day workshop, your company can learn to grow your market share by providing excellent customer service.

  • Leadership
  • Culture
  • Vision
  • Team engagement
  • The listening process
  • Defining need v. desire
  • Customer engagement

Tony Lynch is an international speaker and has been ranked by Inc in the
“100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference”

Customer Satisfaction

To grow a sustainable business, companies must constantly discover and rediscover how to exceed their client’s needs and desires – otherwise someone else will.

Strategic Approach

Developing a strategic approach and process can enable a path that sets you apart from your competitors in delivering excellent customer service.

Intentional Focus

Intentional focus with a relentless attitude for excellence will create a best practice for delivering exceptional customer satisfaction.