We provide many exciting training days, workshops and coaching, which are clients love and benefit from. They leave energised and equipped to take their leadership and their team to a whole new level.

But don’t just take our word, read the testimonials below from some of those that have attended our events. If you would like to know more about our training and coaching events please email us at training@keepthinkingbig.com


I personally provide many exciting training days, workshops and coaching, which my clients love and benefit from. They leave energised and equipped to take their leadership and their team to a whole new level.

But don’t just take our word, read the testimonials below from some of those who have attended our events, if you would like to know more about our training and coaching events please email us at training@keepthinkingbig.com.[su_spacer]

[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/h4q4YkXREJg” width=”600″ height=”400″ responsive=”no” showinfo=”no” rel=”no”]

[endorsement cite=”Pratik Vashisht” byline=”Front Office Manager at The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts”]We had Tony Lynch from Keep Thinking Big in England train our senior team at The Leela Palace in Bangalore, India. Tony engaged with our team immediately as he presented his training on – ‘How to create Leadership Excellence, 7 steps to transform your leadership, business and team’. Tony is a very competent speaker. He delivered a great training session with much content and passion. Through the power of questions Tony helped us to understand leadership and customer care at a new level. If you are looking for an experienced, competent trainer, speaker and coach for your company or team, I would highly recommend Tony Lynch. He has also been featured in Inc. in the ‘100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference’ as well as being a TEDx speaker.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”David Hoyt” byline=”President, The John Maxwell Company”]I invited Tony Lynch from Keep Thinking Big in England to speak to our team at The John Maxwell Company in Atlanta. Tony delivered a powerful training session with much passion. Through the power of questions and facilitating Tony lead us to a new level of understanding. Tony is an experienced international business coach and trainer, who has also been featured in Inc. in the ‘100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference’, as well as a recognised TEDx Speaker. If you are looking to take your team and company to a new level, I recommend engaging with Tony Lynch. With his background and experience, he will provide training, insights and a strategy which will provide a structure and process in how to think big and further develop your company.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Simon MacDonald” byline=”Partner at RSM UK”]I have had the pleasure of attending a number of Tony’s events and have encouraged members of my team to attend as part of their on going development. Tony’s focus on leadership and how we can each make changes in our day to day approach that will make a real difference to our team and our business was very thought provoking. All in attendance took something valuable away with them, whether they were experienced leaders or just starting out on their career path. In addition to his events, Tony also offers practical training, workshops and offers his support to businesses on a one to one basis. What mark’s Tony out is his background as a successful entrepreneur. This means he has a real understanding of the pressures an owner manager faces, the techniques that should be employed and how to drive your team and business to a more successful future![/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Juraj Krall” byline=”Managing Director at Growision”]Tony was a Keynote speaker at a Leadership Excellence conference organised by Grow2lead & Growision. His professional approach as a leader, enthusiasm, leadership experiences, presentation & facilitation skills and cooperation was at the highest level as it can be. It was pleasure for me to cooperate and learn from an expert as Tony. I would highly recommend to be trained coached by Tony and to call him to conferences as a Keynote speaker. Tony will give BIG added value to your professional life definitely.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Adrian”]He truly is a world class speaker. His confident approach and detailed content is truly outstanding. I strongly recommend anyone wanting to develop themselves personally or for business attends one of Tony’s events.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Pete”]He is a fantastic entrepreneur, a well resourced and high quality coach. I believe that time with Tony would help you and your team.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Andrew”]An informative day that made me think about how I can work differently to benefit both my team, employer and myself. The day was well structured and didn’t just consist of being lectured at, it actually encouraged group participation. Overall great experience.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Amanda”]I have listened to a series of calls from Tony at Keep Thinking Big and have also been on a days’ course. Both experiences were inspirational, really made sense and have helped me enormously in progressing both my businesses forward.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Karen”]Tony involved and encouraged the whole group and the experiences and feedback of the others really added to the day. The handouts were clear giving practical ideas to take away and use.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Martin”]The workshops received very good feedback scores; people valued his personal examples from his business experience. Speaking personally I found the framework for reflection very helpful.[/endorsement]


Please visit my LinkedIn Profile to read more recommendations.


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