A C-Suite executive’s guide to maximise team potential

Great leadership is the cornerstone of a thriving organisation. As John Maxwell, a renowned leadership expert, rightly points out, “everything rises and falls upon leadership.” In the ever-evolving business landscape, C-Suite executives play a pivotal role in ensuring their teams reach their maximum potential. 

There are three key strategies that will help C-Suite executives, whether a CEO, CFO, COO, to get the most from their teams and foster a culture of growth and excellence.

Growing leaders grow teams, stagnant leaders stop growth – Tony Lynch

Invest in Your Own Growth as a Leader

Leadership begins with self-awareness and continuous self-improvement. This includes investing in your own leadership style, skills, and abilities, all of which directly impact how your team functions and performs.

Developing yourself as a leader is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s also about refining your emotional intelligence, communication skills, decision-making abilities, and adaptability. These qualities enable you to connect with your team on a deeper level and navigate complex situations effectively.

Leaders who are intentional about their growth are more likely to achieve their goals and drive positive change within their teams and organisations.

Being intentional means setting clear objectives, identifying areas for improvement, and actively seeking opportunities for growth. It involves regular self-assessment and a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement.

How are you developing yourself as a leader? The way you develop your leadership will determine the success of your team. Don’t leave this to chance, but rather be very intentional in building a growth plan and keeping to it. Growing today, builds your opportunities for tomorrow.

Value People First, Then Their Talents

Effective leaders understand that valuing team members as individuals is paramount. Before focusing on their talents, invest in their personal growth and well-being. 

Valuing team members is a great way to grow the team as well as develop the talents within them. Be the leader who values individuals and encourages and coaches them to take hold of their potential so that they can become the very best version of themselves.

A simple yet powerful approach I learned from John Maxwell is known as the Triple A Treatment (Attention, Affirmation, Appreciation). It can foster a culture of appreciation.

When you meet someone within 30 seconds give them your:

Attention: Give your undivided attention when engaging with team members. Focus on them and their needs, not just yourself. Don’t get distracted, look at them, focus on them and what they are saying. 

Affirmation: Acknowledge and affirm their unique qualities and who they are. Be a builder of people, not a detractor. Speak words of affirmation – look to build them up. So often people may want to bring someone down. Be a builder of people.

Appreciation: Show genuine appreciation for their contributions and efforts. Make them feel valued and important. Appreciate who they are and what they are achieving. 

This approach not only boosts team morale but also strengthens your leadership capabilities. Encourage your team to embrace the Triple A Treatment and watch as it transforms your workplace culture.

For some leaders this might be a natural way forward however for others this might be an area of weakness. But it is a learnable skill.

To learn more about the 5 Keys to Navigating Your Team to Success click HERE. 


Invest in Your Team’s Growth To Maximise Team Potential

I have often heard John Maxwell say that your team is your greatest asset only if you are investing in them.

Coaching and training are essential investments that demonstrate your commitment to their success. It shows that you care and that you are willing to invest in them in such a way to bring out the very best in them.

‘Developing leaders develop their teams’ – Tony Lynch

 To unlock your team’s potential, start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Is my leadership style nurturing the talents within my team, or is it holding them back?
  • Is my communication at its best, fostering understanding and collaboration?
  • Am I dedicating intentional time to coach and develop my team into their best selves?

True leaders are committed to personal growth and possess a clear vision for their team’s potential. Create an environment that encourages growth and empowerment, not only as you perceive it but as your team members do as well. A thriving team is often indicative of a leader who prioritises growth.

If you neglect this investment, your competitors might not. Retention and recruitment challenges are widespread, and a thriving team is a competitive advantage. 

Recognise and nurture the talents within your team, as effective leaders know how to multiply those talents for both individual and organisational growth.

Give your team a reason not to walk away, by being committed to bringing out the very best from them. Developing the team you have, is a great way to build a business.

To read more about the benefits of professional development, click HERE.

To elevate your leadership and maximise your team’s potential, you must embrace a strategic approach to development. In the next 30 days, create a concrete plan that outlines:

  • How you will invest in your personal growth as a leader.
  • Your strategy for valuing and developing each team member.
  • The specific actions and milestones to measure success.

Remember, hope is not a strategy. Commit to this process for progress, and watch your team evolve from good to great. As a C-Suite executive, you have the power to make strategic investments in your team that will shape the future success of your company. 

Don’t hesitate; start your journey towards exceptional leadership today.

If you’re interested in discussing these strategies further or exploring how I can assist you in maximising your team’s potential, click here to work with me. Building a stronger, more successful team starts with you.