27 07, 2016

Winning by connecting

By |2018-05-29T18:02:13+01:00July 27th, 2016|Connecting, Communication, Listening, Speaking, Success, Training|0 Comments

15% of one's financial success is often attributed to their technical knowledge while 85% is due to their skill in human engineering, their personality, and their ability to lead. Combine both of them and you have the ability to create, lead, earn and impact in a way that harvests huge results. Your ability to deal with people will ultimately determine your success. Therefore, [...]

11 01, 2016

How To Prepare For A TEDx Talk And What I Would Do Differently Next Time.

By |2017-11-08T11:58:15+00:00January 11th, 2016|Communication, potential, Speaking, TEDx, Training|2 Comments

Since I gave my TEDx talk, many people have asked be various questions about it such as: How does one prepare to speak at a TEDx? What is the process for being chosen as a TEDx speaker? What was it like? Are there any guidelines and rules given for a TEDx talk? Rather than answering all of these on a one [...]

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