30 11, 2020

How to prepare ahead to stay ahead.

By |2020-12-11T17:55:54+00:00November 30th, 2020|Advancement, Choices, Dream, Effective change, evaluate, Growth, Leading, potential, Reflect, Reflecting, Strategy, Thinking|0 Comments

Reflecting and preparing is a healthy way to advance in life. We should not take our lives or life experiences for granted. Investing time in evaluating our experiences and learnings, can lead us to become more productive as we move towards our better future. We need to prepare ahead to stay ahead. Firstly, when we reflect well, I have often noted [...]

27 10, 2020

How reflecting can prepare you for a better future.

By |2021-02-23T14:35:17+00:00October 27th, 2020|Reflect, Dream, Effective change, evaluate, Future, Growth, Listening, potential|0 Comments

As we enter the Autumn, I often find that this period is a good time to reflect and to prepare. When we consider the huge challenges and changes we have all faced in 2020, we do need time out to reflect. We need to learn how reflecting can bring transformation. Effective reflection is not about just thinking of 'the good old [...]

30 07, 2020

You are never too old to have a new adventure, dream or goal.

By |2020-07-30T10:07:43+01:00July 30th, 2020|Adventure, Beliefs, Believe, Bold, Choices, Dream, Dreams, Future, Goal, Growth, Leadership, potential, Strategy, Success, TEDx|0 Comments

Did you know that - You are never too old to have a new adventure, dream or goal. As one gets older it could be easier just to follow life, rather than lead our lives to the next adventure. Life just happens. Maybe you have recognised that you are on autopilot, and that the adventurous spirit has left you. Life is [...]

19 12, 2017

Will Your Training Transform You?

By |2018-02-01T18:43:45+00:00December 19th, 2017|Leadership, Leading, potential, Team Management, Training|0 Comments

Trainings Can Be Powerful As a business professional, an important part of development is attending trainings in your area of focus.  Beyond that, attending trainings on personal development in any way can have a profound impact on your business and your life.    You may increase your leadership, effectiveness, communication, or learn some new sales strategies.  Gathering together for training [...]

15 11, 2017

No Process = No Progress: 3 Leadership Questions For You

By |2018-01-02T18:09:37+00:00November 15th, 2017|Leadership, Leading, potential, Team Management, Training|0 Comments

Would you like to make progress in the following areas: Projects Dreams Finances Career Personal growth Company Team I have come to learn that if you want to make progress in a certain area of your life, this will often be determined by what type of process you have. No process = no progress Show me success, and I will [...]

26 04, 2016

Insights in how strategic thinkers think and the questions they ask.

By |2016-04-26T14:29:33+01:00April 26th, 2016|Ability, Growth, Leadership, Leading, potential, Training|0 Comments

What type of thinker are you? Are you a strategic thinker? When was the last time you challenged the way you think? The way people think will determine their leadership. Have there been times in the last 90 days that you have become frustrated in the way you decided to think, when dealing with challenges and opportunities? Would you like to upgrade [...]

3 04, 2016

Connect & Grow – Monthly Training Sessions With Tony Lynch

By |2016-08-12T02:15:35+01:00April 3rd, 2016|Leadership, Mastermind Group, potential, Selling, Training, Training Course|0 Comments

Monthly Leadership & Sales Training with Tony Lynch Connect & Grow is a monthly series of leadership and sales training calls that I will lead each month. You are warmly invited to join me and be my guest on these calls. Each call will be 30 minutes in length and we will record the calls. Though the recorded calls will be [...]

11 01, 2016

How To Prepare For A TEDx Talk And What I Would Do Differently Next Time.

By |2017-11-08T11:58:15+00:00January 11th, 2016|Communication, potential, Speaking, TEDx, Training|2 Comments

Since I gave my TEDx talk, many people have asked be various questions about it such as: How does one prepare to speak at a TEDx? What is the process for being chosen as a TEDx speaker? What was it like? Are there any guidelines and rules given for a TEDx talk? Rather than answering all of these on a one [...]

30 12, 2015

3 Steps to Help You Deliver Well In 2016.

By |2016-01-18T11:58:21+00:00December 30th, 2015|Ability, Choices, Dreams, potential, Success|2 Comments

As we come to an end of another year, many people will be reflecting on the past as well as considering what 2016 may hold for them. I know many will be considering New Year resolutions for 2016, however the average person finds it hard if not impossible to always keep the resolutions they want. As you look towards 2016, I [...]

4 09, 2015

Take Your Giant Leap Forward in 90 Days.

By |2015-10-30T10:20:52+00:00September 4th, 2015|Ability, Beliefs, Dreams, Leading, potential, Success, Training, Training Course|0 Comments

Do you feel the pain of; Being stuck  Feeling frustrated Busy but not productive Distraction overload Lack of clarity However your desire is not to remain bound by these and other areas that hold you back. If so this 90 day programme is for you because you will walk a path that will draw out the genius within you. Say goodbye [...]

16 06, 2015

Where will you be in the next 5 years?

By |2015-12-30T15:54:42+00:00June 16th, 2015|Ability, Advancement, Boldness, Communication, Connecting, Future, potential, Success, Technology|0 Comments

So where will you be in 5 years time? The world we live in is fascinating and full of opportunities. Advancement in technology in just the last 5 years has been mind-blowing. Technology and access to information as well as the ability to communicate with vast numbers of people at the same time has paved the way for future opportunities that [...]

2 06, 2015

How to gain control of your time and your life.

By |2015-12-30T15:50:00+00:00June 2nd, 2015|Ability, Bold, Choices, Growth, Leadership, Leading, potential, Success|0 Comments

Do you ever feel there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all you need to do? Does it feel that time is in control rather than you? We all have the same time allotted to us in life, but why does it seem that some are more in control of their time and thus their life while others struggle? [...]

28 04, 2015

Forget B2B and B2C

By |2018-07-18T11:54:45+01:00April 28th, 2015|Choices, Communication, Connecting, Listening, potential, Success, Training, Training Course|0 Comments

Forget B2B and B2C until you have ‘Mastered’ P2P. We need to bring back people to people. I often hear the expression from various people that they are in the ‘business to business’ B2B profession or they are in the ‘business to customer’ B2C profession. […]

10 04, 2015

Choices A Leader Must Make.

By |2023-10-04T14:29:30+01:00April 10th, 2015|Ability, Choices, Leadership, Leading, potential, Training|0 Comments

Every leader will know that there are huge calls upon his or her life. The choices a leader makes will determine how successful they will become in fulfilling their hopes and dreams. We all have choices to make in life, some may only effect us personally. However the choices a leader makes can have big implications upon those they have an [...]

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