For the last few days, we’ve been exploring the attributes of a good leader.

LLeaders are learners.

ELeaders are encouragers.

ALeaders are attractive.

DLeaders are decisive.

E – Leaders know the importance of equipping their team for success.

The 5th Attribute of a Good Leader is understanding the importance of equipping your team for success.

Equipping the recruited is a formula for success. Recruiting without equipping leads to poor engagement and productivity.

Does it come to you naturally in equipping your team for success?

As a business development coach and trainer I sometimes observe that the right type of equipping can be missed. The way to do this well is not to presume what a team member may need or want – but rather to sit down with them and find out what they feel they really need.

Great connecting in this area will set your team up for success.

I share more about this in the attached video.