Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin.

This quote from Mother Teresa is packed full of truth. It is not complicated. It hits the nail on the head when it comes to making the most of every day.

Together let’s look in detail at what exactly was Mother Teresa saying.

Yesterday Is Gone

Depending upon how yesterday was will determine how we feel today. We could feel happy, sad, frustrated even excited. We may even have many furious feelings about yesterday.

But there could be danger looking back.  We might find ourselves living in the past, perhaps building a monument to the past. Sometimes we feel we can’t move on. We therefore allow that action to determine and shape our today.

I have learned that successes and failures can cause us to have the same reaction. We look back to our success but never make any real progress from there.

Similar to a failure where again we live on in hurt and rejection, never making any real progress.

Tomorrow Has Not Yet Come

I am all for vision and forward planning. It is one of the things I do best. I am a ‘big picture’ guy. As a leader, I see things before many others see things.

However, the danger can be that we always live for tomorrow sometimes putting off important stepping stones for today.

It is great to have a plan; however, you must ensure the plan also turns into Action.

Always thinking about tomorrow can have its dangers! Why do something today when there is always tomorrow?

We procrastinate, become lazy and then give ourselves a ‘pat on the back’ because we fool ourselves into thinking, “Tomorrow I will do….”

In reality, tomorrow never happens. Does this resonate with you?  There are many people who fall into this trap, thus never make the progress in their personal growth that they desire.

You need to become more intentional – To learn my 3 steps to becoming intentional Click Here.

Seize the day today!

We Have Only Today – Let Us Begin

Only God knows how long we will live.  We do not choose the number of our days. However, we can choose to make the most of everyday.

Mother Teresa’s quote, “We have only today – let us begin.” is something to live by.  She was not just a woman of quotes. She did not just talk-the-talk, she walked-the-walk.

Her many quotes are a reflection of her amazing life. She helped, encouraged and impacted millions of people.

Mother Teresa realized that everyday counted.  This should be the same for us. We should live life to the fullest every day.  We should not allow the past or the future to hinder us.

Today – whatever our circumstances are – we really can still contribute to the lives of others.

My challenge to you and to myself – seize the day.  Look to impact those round us!

Will we not allow yesterday and tomorrow to stop us having a huge impact on those around us today?

Today really does matter. You can’t change yesterday but you can make the most of today. You can’t go back – but you can move forward.

Let these words stay with you as you consider your day “Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin.”  Mother Teresa”

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Tony Lynch is an international business and leadership coach. He has been featured by INC in the ‘Top 100 Great Leadership Speakers For Your Next Conference’ as well as being a recognised TEDx speaker.

Through his coaching and training he helps his clients to create competitive advantage in business, which increases productivity, engagement and profitability. For further information please visit