Encouragement often costs nothing but delivers huge dividends…..far better than the stock market!

We all love to be encouraged. Encouragement and appreciation is often the fuel that keeps us growing and going. Great leaders have a desire to encourage growth in those they lead.

Recently in Slovakia I trained a number of people from 30 companies on this importance of a leader being a great encourager. It does not matter where you are in the world, leaders need to take charge in becoming great encouragers.

In your leadership role do you need to change the culture of how encouragement is given? Could you become the leader everyone loves to follow….not one that they have to follow…rather the one they love to follow because of the kind of encouragement you provide?

Everyone likes to be encouraged. Encouragement is often the stimulus to greater Achievement and it can be conveyed in so many ways. Often it leads to greater courage in an individual to press on to achieve more.

 As I often say – encouragement breeds courage.

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If you want your team to have courage to go to a whole new level – to grow, to take on new responsibilities, to step into uncharted ground – they will need the courage to do so. They don’t need an order they need courage and courage comes from encouragement.

If this is the case, why is there often a lack of encouragement? Have we just become a society that often accepts average encouragement? Do we only give encouragement to those who achieve great things?

Encouragement should not just be given to achievers but also to those who participate in other roles that are often unseen and just taken for granted.

As you bring encouragement to your team, this will stimulate greater team engagement. To read more about engaging teams for greater success click here.

As leaders of organizations and teams we need to take responsibility for this important task. This is not a role you delegate to someone else, even to a department.


  • On a scale of 1-10 (10 you are flying with this) how would you rate yourself as someone who is a great encourager to those you lead?


  • Would your team give you the same score?


  • What are the processes you have in place to ensure your team feel encouraged?

Great encouragement is modelled from the very top of an organization and cascades down through every department and team. One of the best ways to change the culture of a company is by encouragement.


Leaders are encouragers is part of Leadership Excellence – 7 Steps To Transform

Your Leadership.

Do you have a Leadership Excellence Programme in place?

To find out more about 

Leadership Excellence – 7 Steps To Transform Your Leadership being held in London on Thursday 28th April 2016 – click HERE


Tony Lynch is a International business and leadership coach. He has been featured by INC in the ‘100 Great Leadership Speakers For Your Next Conference’ as well as being a recognised TEDx Speaker.

Through his coaching and training he helps his clients to create competitive advantage, which increases productivity, engagement and profitability.