28 01, 2021

What does it take to build a winning team?

By |2021-02-23T12:50:27+00:00January 28th, 2021|winning teams, Ability, Advancement, Boldness, Business, Business owner, Business Planning, Communication, Confidence, Customer experience, Effective change, Effective communication, entrepreneur, Executive, Executive Director, Goal, Growth, Leadership, Leading, Strategy, Success, Team Management, Teams|0 Comments

Winning teams are in high demand. So what does it take to build a winning team? As a business growth consultant, I work with many international clients. I often observe a strong desire within business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, managers and team leaders, to build a winning team. Why is this? Firstly, winning teams make things happen. By their very nature are [...]

21 09, 2020

Leadership Opportunity.

By |2021-02-23T15:03:04+00:00September 21st, 2020|Leadership, Business Planning, Effective change, Effective communication, Leading, Leading change in challenging times, Leading effective change, Recession, Strategy|0 Comments

Leadership is essential during changing times. As we work through another recession, many teams and companies will be looking towards their leaders for leadership, hope and a plan. Teams and companies will need to be led well during these times. As John Maxwell says, ‘everything rises and falls upon leadership’. How has your leadership been developing at this time? Often decisions [...]

30 06, 2020

How long will this recession last?

By |2020-06-30T12:48:52+01:00June 30th, 2020|Recession, Business Planning, challenging times, Effective change, Effective communication, Future, Growth, Leadership, Leading, Leading change in challenging times, Leading effective change, Strategy|0 Comments

As a Business Growth Consultant, I am often asked the following question - How long will this recession last? Maybe you have been asking yourself the same question. No one knows exactly, how long this recession will last. However, as I researched the recessions we have experienced in the UK since 1980 I noticed that they all had one thing in common. [...]

28 04, 2020

Leading effective change in challenging times.

By |2020-04-28T10:52:55+01:00April 28th, 2020|Effective change, Business Planning, challenging times, Communication, Connecting, Effective communication, Leadership, Leading effective change|0 Comments

In these challenging times we are all experiencing disruption at a level we've never experienced before. We are also experiencing this at a phenomenal speed, and it was certainly too quick for anyone to prepare for. Cast your memory back for a moment to the 1st January 2020. I expect you had some plans, dreams, strategies, and targets that you wanted [...]

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