Hope is hope, this was the message that Nick Vujicic spoke to over 800 people at a recent leadership training meeting for the John Maxwell Team in Orlando.

Nick is an outstanding communicator of hope. Not only does he teach about hope but also he himself is a reflection of what hope is all about.

Nick was born without limbs. Over the years he has suffered much rejection and bullying. You would think if anyone had a reason for no hope, it would be Nick. But Nick became a Christian and over time learned its true meaning and what you do with it – you place it in Jesus Christ.

Nick does not allow his physical limitations to determine what he can and cannot do in life, not even the impact he can have on others.

What we believe makes a huge influence upon our lives. To read more about this click here.

We all know that pain is pain, brokenness is brokenness and inspiration is inspiration. As with Nick, we all go through trouble and dark times. However we can come to a place in our lives where we don’t allow them to define us.

Often I have observed that the biggest discourager in life doesn’t necessarily come from the people who surround you – it can come from YOU.

We need to have a strong word with ourselves and learn to become our biggest encourager. We should learn to stand secure in the truth and allow that truth to set us free. If we become self disciplined in this area, our lives can have a huge impact on those around us.

To learn the 3 steps to become intentional click here.

Today, what will you do to focus on true hope, the hope that will last?

Whatever our background, we all are precious and have great potential within us that is waiting to be expressed.

However we often need to have encouragement, clarity and wisdom to see the hope and potential that can be revealed within us.

Please be sure to sign up for my future blogs. I will be sharing some helpful courses that will enable you to do this exactly and grow into your potential – numbers will be limited.

Keep thinking big, is creating winning mindsets for successful, fulfilled and significant lives.


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