As we come to an end of another year, many people will be reflecting on the past as well as considering what 2016 may hold for them.

I know many will be considering New Year resolutions for 2016, however the average person finds it hard if not impossible to always keep the resolutions they want.

As you look towards 2016, I would encourage you not to think as many people do – ‘I wonder what 2016 will have in store for me’ rather consider the following ‘I am going to rise up and press forward to deliver the very best I can in all that I do in 2016’.

Taking this approach, is far more proactive rather than the ‘wait and see approach’. Don’t just accept the life you have – rather aim to lead yourself well and enjoy life to the full.

Consider a year where you see and embrace the potential that you have.

How would it make you feel if you took a giant leap forward in your potential in 2016?

How would that look to you?

What impact would it have on those around you?

In order to do this it is vital that you take hold of your life and time – preparation is key in order to take advantage of the opportunities which will come our way – to read more about this click HERE.

Here are 3 steps that will help you to deliver well in 2016.

  • Reflect

Take daily time out to reflect upon your day. Look at what went well and what did not go well. Consider why? What can you learn from your various activities? Consider how you spend your time during a day – are you being productive or just very busy?

I would encourage you to grow as a person who takes time out to ‘reflect’.  After the busyness of a day, reflect – from this very proactive approach to reflect you will find that you will become increasingly effective in all that you do. Also don’t be surprised that from true reflection you will not become busier but enjoy a life where you achieve more.

  • Engage

Rather than just wishing a day away – engage well with what happens around you. Be very present in all that you do. Don’t drift, pay attention to what is happening.

Wherever you are – be there – capture the moment. Let life touch you and respond in the best way you can. I have often found that character is formed not in the way we act – rather in the way we react to situations that happen around us.

Your engagement is needed, as you engage with others so they will engage with you.

  • Think

It is often said that the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is the way they think.

What is your process for thinking? The discipline of thinking is one of the easiest and hardest things to do! So often our lives are on autopilot mode, or we just do as we are told, or simple copy the way others act.

We need to tap in to realms of our thinking much more than we normally do. For instance how often have you said or heard someone say something like….’I just had a bright idea’? Or ‘I just had a brainwave’?

Have you ever considered how your life would look if you had many more of these times?

These times can come – but only through the fine art of learning how to think. Thinking takes time. This is a learnable ability, one that can revolutionise your life.

As I coach and mentor my clients I will go through a process in order to help them grow in their ability to think at a much higher level than they have done before, which has a very positive effect in their lives and those that they lead.

Your ability to think will determine the success of your leadership.

We all need to make a start in what we plan to do – to read an earlier blog about this click HERE.

Having a proactive and positive approach of rising up to deliver well in 2016, rather than a casual wait and see approach will ensure that we will grow in our potential and have a great 2016.

I hope these 3 simple but powerful steps will help you in 2016 so that you take hold of all the great opportunities that lay ahead of you.



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