Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you like what you see?

What is your perception of the person you see? Do you see the past, present or future of what you could be as you look in the mirror?

To maximize potential, we must understand that low self-esteem will hold us back. If we can’t see potential in ourselves as we look in the mirror, we’ll find a thousand reasons to disqualify ourselves from maximizing our potential. We must see value in ourselves if we are to look to add further value to ourselves.

As I coach and train clients – this is often area that needs to be addressed.

Dennis Waitley, says, “Personal development is a belief that you are worth the effort, time and energy to develop yourself.” His comments endorses what I’m saying, that we must have belief that we are worth the effort.

We all have reasons why we don’t think we are worth the effort. This is why low self-esteem makes its home in our thoughts and heart. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we must have clarity about one important area.

When we believe this, it will bring a new sense of purpose and direction to our lives. What is it?

You are priceless.

When you next look in the mirror – remind yourself of the truth.

In an earlier blog I wrote about – What Value do you see in yourself? To read the blog click HERE

There is genius in all of us, great potential. For that genius to come out, that potential to be realized, we need to see ourselves for who we really are; precious and priceless with great potential within us.

You might be thinking, “With my past, I’m not worth much.” Don’t be quick to write off your past. What you’ve been through can often help others and bring hope to them.

John C. Maxwell mentions in The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth we should be those that;

  • Guard our self talk. Are you quick to criticize? Disqualify yourself? Why are you quick to discourage yourself as you step forward? We must learn to encourage ourselves by every step that we make.
  • Stop comparing ourselves to others. This is an area that can hold so many people back from maximizing their potential. They compare themselves with others who are ahead of them. In so doing, they disqualify themselves because of the gap of achievement is too great.

What I’ve come to learn is not to compare myself with others, but rather be inspired by others. Learn from them. They have learned, applied and grown in certain areas. They are people just like you and I. They are people that we can learn from, which can help us to move forward in our own unique path.

Today, when you look in the mirror, look beyond the superficial, and see the potential that is within you.

When you look at yourself in the mirror – speak well to yourself and be inspired by others around you as you become an inspiration to many people.

When you next look in the mirror remind yourself that you are priceless.


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